
Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

Did you know that every child in this world is born with their own strengths and weaknesses? There are even children who are born in this world with special abilities that other people don't have, call them Indigo. Then how to distinguish an Indigo child from a normal child? Here we have summarized after conducting a survey on several indigo children and the experts we met regarding the characteristics of these indigo children, do you have one of them?

10. Emotional

Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

Most indigo children have unstable emotions. It is so volatile all the time that most normal people see indigo children as temperamental. Emotional and sensitive levels that are different from most people sometimes make indigo children can feel a strange feeling somewhere. Indigo children also often feel uncomfortable when they are in places with loud noises such as concerts or cinemas.

9. Often Feel Stress

Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

Stress is a common thing experienced by indigo children. This is because they are not like normal people. Always thinking about unusual things can also make indigo children often experience stress. Usually indigo children can only get along well with fellow indigo children as well. This is because indigo children easily understand one another.

8. Have Sharp Eyes

Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

It is clear that indigo children have unusual eyesight with normal people. They can see things that normal people can't see. Indigo children are usually able to see people's personalities in depth. Just by looking, indigo children can immediately tell whether the person is good or bad, what people are talking about is honest or a lie. Unlike other people who know other people's characters by asking questions, indigo children don't need such conversations to be able to guess someone's character.

7. Difficult to adapt to the environment

Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

Because they feel they have special abilities, making indigo children see can see everything from the other side, unlike normal children. This special ability makes indigo children difficult to get along with normal children. Normal children who are not used to indigo children will feel uncomfortable and disturbed when they are with these indigo children. Like in school, when normal children can get along easily with other normal children, indigo children will choose to be alone.

6. Feeling Different From Others

Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

It is clear that indigo children are different from other people. Indigo children are given privileges in the form of unusual abilities. With this unusual ability, this indigo child will feel special. Indigo children are usually born with a mission to change the condition of the surrounding environment or even change the world view of something. Even within their own family, these indigo children can feel that they are special children.

5. Have a High IQ

Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

In addition to having special abilities that are not possessed by normal people, indigo children are usually given other privileges in the form of a high IQ. High IQ levels cause indigo children to have a great curiosity. Always had strange questions in his mind. Indigo children also sometimes understand more about what life means. That's why indigo children are usually more able to appreciate and respect their environment.

4. Have an Old Soul

Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

Indigo children have mental growth that is not in accordance with children in general. The faster growth of indigo children's souls makes their souls mature before their time. This causes them to appear much calmer than ordinary children. And the way indigo children talk is similar to the way parents talk. Indigo children's minds are also affected so that their way of thinking is also like that of parents.

3. Have a Unique Birthmark

Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

Indigo children usually have very prominent and unique birthmarks. Birthmarks in indigo children can vary, such as bruises on the body, moles that form something, strange marks around the eyes. This unique birthmark in certain body parts can also be a sign of the specialization that exists in indigo children. For example, there is an indigo child who has birthmarks around the eyes, he can see things that other people can't see. If there are indigo children who have birthmarks on their hands, they may have the ability to heal sick people.

2. Has a Distinctive Head Shape

Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

Indigo children generally have a unique head shape compared to other children in general. Characteristics that are usually found are a wide forehead or forehead or also a head circumference that is larger than normal children. This is because indigo children have the ability to analyze the surrounding environment using their sharp senses. If you find a child with a large head circumference, there is a possibility that the child is an indigo.

1. Have Psychic Ability

Recognize These 10 Signs, Maybe You Are One Of The Indigo Children

Having psychic abilities is a characteristic that is often found in indigo children. Being able to see the future, being able to know someone's whereabouts, being able to see and even hear unusual things are just a small part of the psychic abilities possessed by indigo children. These abilities can cause big problems if indigo children do not find the right people to help them practice their skills properly.
